In an effort to offer proper assistance, we ask that you please select the item below that best describes your interest:
(1) I would like assistance from The Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities with applying to The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities for Certification to provide D.O.D.D. Waiver and/or Non-Waiver services. If this describes your need, visit our certification guidance page.
(2) I have already been certified by The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities DODD and am requesting to be added to the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities (FCBDD) Vendor database of authorized providers.
(3) I have already been certified by The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD), and have previously been added to The Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities (FCBDD) Vendor database, but I am seeking assistance with compliance and/or recertification to continue or begin providing DODD Waiver and/or Non-Waiver services.
*If none of the above directly relate to your inquiry, please refer to the “Provider Resources” tab for additional options.